Our Process

Whether for individual clients or members of Industry Associations we follow a four step process in addressing new client needs:

  1. Review Compliance
  2. Get you compliant
  3. Keep you compliant
  4. Represent your interests

We review your current employment relations compliance and provide you with a detailed report as to what needs to be done. We implement appropriate workplace relations documentation and systems to get you compliant, quickly and effectively.

We keep you compliant by providing free IR fact sheets and IR updates on important workplace relations matters; and by maintaining a phone advice line for quick up to the minute advice.

Then on an ongoing basis we expertly advise and represent in respect to all workplace relations issues which may arise. See our list of services for an example of the services we provide. Of course we can also assist with any individual matter on a one-off basis as required.

Call 1300 393 519 or e: info@irassist.com.au.aufor further information.